SVS Risk can support your security risk management procedures by providing experienced Bridge Response officers to enhance your current procedures. SVS Risk Bridge Response Officers are trained in supporting the Master of the vessel when transiting through high risk areas or indeed areas of risk.
West Africa Security Support
SVS Risk has various solutions that can support your operations within the Gulf of Guinea. We can find you the most effective and cost effective solution that will ensure the level of risk is mitigated to an acceptable level. Our recommended solutions and Bridge Response Officers can include:
- Vessel preparation and crew training prior to entering a High Risk Area to ensure all best management practices are in place.
- Support in arranging an escort vessel or armed local authorities to mitigate your risk whilst transiting through the High Risk Area.
Migrant Security Support
The largest migrant flows across Europe since the 1940s have overwhelmed the shipping industry with implications that have caused a drastic exposure to risk. Search-and-rescue (SAR) services throughout the world largely depend on international shipping to assist anyone in distress at sea, however the volume of migrants currently being rescued at seas are increasing and the impact upon ship operations can be drastically effected by the volume that are being rescued. SVS Risk Bridge Response Officers are trained in dealing with such events onboard a vessel. The Bridge Response Officers can alleviate some of that manpower constraint on dealing with the rescued migrants ensuring that they are secure and medically catered for until they are disembarked.