Yacht Crew Medical First Aid Course

Yacht Crew Medical First Aid covers how to prepare for a medical emergency on board so you can do what is required to preserve life until proper medical attention can be given. Subjects include; body structure and function, casualty primary and secondary survey, spinal injuries, burns, fractures, care of the rescued, catastrophic haemorrhage.
SVS Risk Group Open Training Courses

Military Training Teams
30 July 2020/by limelightcom
Maritime Security Team Leader (TL) Course
4 December 2020/by limelightcom
Contractors on Deployed Operations (CONDO+) Course
8 July 2022/by limelightcom
International Close Protection Officer Course Level 3
25 July 2020/by limelightcom
Hostile Environment Close Protection Officer Course
25 July 2020/by limelightcom
Firearms Training
25 July 2020/by limelightcom
Hostile Environment Awareness Training
25 July 2020/by limelightcom
Active Shooter Training
25 July 2020/by limelightcom
Maritime Security Officer (MSO) Course
30 July 2020/by limelightcom
Bridge Response Officer Course (West Africa)
30 July 2020/by limelightcom
Crew Piracy Awareness Training
30 July 2020/by limelightcom
Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) Training Course
30 July 2020/by limelightcom
First Aid Response Course Level 3
30 July 2020/by limelightcom